Ohjelmistoremontti voi pelastaa yrityksen liiketoiminnan!
Don't suffer with the problems or shortcomings of your software any longer, but order a software overhaul right away! It will help you get back to business!

Nyt ohjelmistoremontit todella halvalla!
40h/kk ylittävät remonttitunnit vain 69€/h+alv!
Elämäsi tilaisuus saada softasi kuntoon halvalla - älä siis vitkuttele!
Tarjous on voimassa jouluaattoon asti.

Does your software need a repair?
Is there an important or useful feature missing? Does the software need fine-tuning or has something been bothering you for many years? Found a bug?
No worries, Reiska will help!Have all the original coders disappeared?
Doesn't anyone know how the software works anymore? Is the documentation lost and the structure of the code is completely unknown?
Reiska unravels the secrets!Is the software getting old?
Does the software work anymore on a machine where you can't even get spare parts? Does a part not work with new systems? Is it too difficult to transfer information from one program to another?
Call Reiska for help!
Our custom-made software crashed almost every time, and no one could help.
Except Softaremppa-Reiska, who fixed a bug or two in the program.
Today, you no longer have to worry about always having to start over!

Using our vitally important software had always been painfully slow, but now we had enough, so we called Softaremppa.
It didn't took long before Reiska and his toolkit had found and fixed a bad database implementation and now we can survive with the old software for the next 15 years!

A new selection had to be added to the menu of our cheaply ordered website, but every intermediate page was just copypaste. The same changes should have been made to dozens of different files!
Reiska from Softaremppa fixed it so that in the future we can use easy tools to make the change only once, and we don't even have to touch the code!
Or should we build a totally new software?
Uusien ohjelmistojen kehitykseen suosittelemme Arvosofta-konseptia, jolla saat aivan kaiken tarvittavan kiinteällä kuukausihinnalla, sisältäen myös ylläpidon ja jatkokehityksen! Näin varmistat, ettei ohjelmistoprojektistasi tule ahne softamörkö, joka ahmii kaikki rahasi.
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Jos tarjontamme ei kelpaa, etsi itewikistä parempi tarjous.
Onnea matkaan!